Saturday, December 02, 2006
Osaka 2006

11/23、24と大阪に行ってきました! なんと今回がお初です!!(>_<) そして私が今まで行った日本の中で一番西側だったんです!(恥) 日本を知らない日本人・・・・これではいけない!!(-_-;)
1泊2日とかなりのショートステイだったんだけど、私たちは心斎橋にあるホテルに泊まっていたので、街を見て回るには最高の場所だったと思います(^_^) 初日は世界最大級といわれている海遊館(水族館)に行ってお魚たちやジンベイザメを見たりして楽しみました。 サンタクロースのコスチュームを着たダイバーが水槽の中を泳いでいて見てて面白かったわ(笑) そして夕方はこれまた世界最大級の高さを誇る”大観覧車”に乗って大阪の夜景を楽しみました☆ イルミネーションの写真はその時に撮ったものです。 夜は梅田に行って美味しいしゃぶしゃぶを食べてきました(≧∇≦*) 冷えた体も暖まって最高☆
次の日は心斎橋から道頓堀、大阪城、梅田、アメ村と街を見て歩きました。長距離を歩いて大阪城へ着いたときはクタクタだったわ(^_^;) でも天気も良かったし、道に並んだ木々の紅葉がきれいで楽しく散歩できました♪ また今度ゆっくり大阪滞在したいなー!o(^_^)o
Friday, December 01, 2006
Time flies
今日から12月ですね! 本当にあっという間に月日は過ぎていくのね・・・。
*Time flies = 光陰矢のごとし(Kouin ya no gotoshi)
*Time flies = 光陰矢のごとし(Kouin ya no gotoshi)
大阪城公園のいちょうの木です(^_^) 紅葉が真っ盛りですごくきれいでした☆
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Birthday party☆
Bon anniversaire Eric!!

There was a birthday party of Eric at his place on Saturday 28th, October. I went to the party with my friend and met a lot of people who came from several countries. It was a good party and Eric and his friend cooked french cuisine for everyone. It was tasty! And everybody speak japanese as most of them are students in Japan. It looked funny to see people(foreigners) speak japanese each other, but they can speak very well for sure :)
We enjoyed drinking, eating, smoking shisha(a little :P) and chatting. Good thing is that I could meet many people and talk about many things about Japan and their countries. It was a good time. And again, エリックさん、おめでとう!!(^o^)/

There was a birthday party of Eric at his place on Saturday 28th, October. I went to the party with my friend and met a lot of people who came from several countries. It was a good party and Eric and his friend cooked french cuisine for everyone. It was tasty! And everybody speak japanese as most of them are students in Japan. It looked funny to see people(foreigners) speak japanese each other, but they can speak very well for sure :)
We enjoyed drinking, eating, smoking shisha(a little :P) and chatting. Good thing is that I could meet many people and talk about many things about Japan and their countries. It was a good time. And again, エリックさん、おめでとう!!(^o^)/

Here is a picture I took in Hub. There was a Halloween party at that time :) So people in costumes for a party ↓↓↓
Thursday, October 26, 2006
BBC Ice cream Store 1st Anniversary Party

Well, there is a party for Ice cream store's 1st Anniversary on the 17th of November @ WOMB Shibuya, Tokyo! I just found this news yesterday and I think I will go to this party :) Of course you can see Pharrell Williams, Nigo, Uffie and DJ FEADZ from ED BANGER as guests and others too. It sounds good ;) Try to get tickets first!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
新北投 -Xin Beitou-

2日目は台北から車で3,40分北にある新北投(Xin Beitou)へ行きました。 新北投は温泉で有名な場所で町のなかは硫黄の臭いが漂っています。 昭和天皇も訪れたことがあって博物館へ行くと様々な資料が置いてありました。 日本統治時代に温泉地として開発が進んで今にいたっているそうです。 以前街には日本傷病兵の為の療養所が作られこともあって、日本の旅館も少々残っていました。
上の写真は地獄谷こと地熱谷へ行ったときに撮った写真です。源泉が湧き出ていて温度は80℃から100℃近いそうです。とてもじゃないけど温浴はできないよね(^_^;) 死んじゃいますから・・・ 北投温泉の泉質は天然ラジウム泉だそうです。世界でも珍しいんだって!
私達はプライベート温泉に入りにSpring City Resortへ行きました。 とてもキレイなところで私達が借りた部屋は別館にありました。2時間利用で約3000NTD(約1万2千円ぐらい)だったかな? 浴槽が2つあってシャワーもついてました。自分でお湯を溜めなくてはいけないんだけど、自由に注ぎ足しができるから良かったかも(^_^) 肌もすべすべ&つるつるになって気持ちよかったです♪ やっぱり温泉って好き(^o^)
Beitou city

我回來從臺灣 -Back from Taiwan-

At the lobby: It looks like a place I watched in the movie.
In front of the hotel: well touristic picture, sumimasen...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
French connection

We went to karaoke on Saturday night in Shibuya. Personally I haven't been to karaoke for a long time so I enjoyed a lot this time :) At first we are 5 people(2 french, 1 canadian, and 2 japanese) and had some drinks at bar, then after we moved to karaoke and 6 people(they are all french) joined us. Of course they were speaking french and it looked like we are not in Japan :P
Too bad there were not so many french songs in a karaoke machine, but they sang just one french song. And this is it ↓↓↓

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Le concours de beaute
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Je t'ai casseeeee!
Well I'm a little boring right now as I have nothing to do at work for the moment. I found the video clip of "Le casse de Brice" from the movie "Brice de Nice" which I watched in France. It was difficult to understand about "french joke"(with English subtitles which is not very good) for me but it was funny anyway and I enjoyed it at least :P
I just remember that we danced with this music at the party in La Fabrique :P
And here is another scene from the movie. "Casse sur la terrasse" Voila!
I just remember that we danced with this music at the party in La Fabrique :P
And here is another scene from the movie. "Casse sur la terrasse" Voila!
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