久しぶりに家族そろって旅行へ行ってきました。天気があまりよくなかったんだけど、不自由なほど雨も降っていなかったのでまだ良かったです! そのせいもあって今回は室内で出来る陶芸体験をしてきました!(^o^)/ 個人的には初体験だったので楽しかったです♪ 陶芸というとやはり"ろくろ"を想像するけど、今回は"手びねり"で挑戦しました! 手びねりだと自分の好きな形を作れるので、子供も作れるし簡単です。とは言っても、粘土に空気を入れてはいけないので、粘土の扱い(切るとき、こねるとき、形作るとき等)に気をつけないと焼きあがったときに割れやすくなってしまうそうです。。 それぞれ好きなものを作って色づけをしてかかった時間は約1時間半ぐらいかな? そして後日焼いてから発送してくれるそうです :) 完成までには1ヶ月ぐらいかかるんだけど、どんな風にできるか楽しみー(^o^)♪
Saturday, July 29, 2006
What's Michael?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
C'est chaud dans le club
We had dinner with my friends on Saturday. One of my friend came back from Australia a week ago, she's been there for a year. So it was really good to see her again :) We had a lot of things to talk(well as usual...) but we couldn't have enough time so we will get together again when we have a fire works festival in August :P
Then after we went to Roppongi around midnight with other friends of mine. It was hot and humid and there were a lot of people in the street. We went to a pub for drinking at first and then we went to a club named Gaspanic. So many people in the club as we couldn't move at all :S So we got out of there and tried to find other clubs but we couldn't find good one and it was too hot and humid outside, we didn't want to walk around so we went back to Gaspanic again... We got into the basement floor, too many people but fortunately we could find a space :P
It was hot in the club, good sounds, girls were dancing on the counter(my friends did it too!)...etc. We enjoyed dancing and drinking. Although the lights were turned on at 5 am but the music didn't stop, it wasn't time to close. We didn't understand why... but when we got out of club, there were some police men. I don't know why but some clubs closed because of problems or troubles(??? well I'm not sure) these days and the police keeps watching their business(especially clubs in Roppongi) we guess. Well anyway you can still find nice bars or clubs in there :P
Then after we went to Roppongi around midnight with other friends of mine. It was hot and humid and there were a lot of people in the street. We went to a pub for drinking at first and then we went to a club named Gaspanic. So many people in the club as we couldn't move at all :S So we got out of there and tried to find other clubs but we couldn't find good one and it was too hot and humid outside, we didn't want to walk around so we went back to Gaspanic again... We got into the basement floor, too many people but fortunately we could find a space :P
It was hot in the club, good sounds, girls were dancing on the counter(my friends did it too!)...etc. We enjoyed dancing and drinking. Although the lights were turned on at 5 am but the music didn't stop, it wasn't time to close. We didn't understand why... but when we got out of club, there were some police men. I don't know why but some clubs closed because of problems or troubles(??? well I'm not sure) these days and the police keeps watching their business(especially clubs in Roppongi) we guess. Well anyway you can still find nice bars or clubs in there :P
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Sore! Ike! Ampan Man!
He is the hero for japanese kids. Especially for my nephew, he is the best one!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Culture Pop Japonaise -Otaku's Paradise-
久しぶりに日本語で書きます! :P 今フランスで日本のオタク文化が大人気だそうです! フランスで日本のアニメが人気があるのはわりと知られてるよね :) フランス人と話してみると、子供のころ同じアニメを見て育ってきてるしね。いろいろと話してみると面白いかもよ・・・?!(笑)
Yahooの記事によると、今パリの郊外でJAPAN EXPOが7/7から7/9まで開催されているようです。今回で7回目の開催で、前回よりも規模を拡大して行われているそうです。 だいたい想像できると思うけど、EXPOではマンガから始まり、J-pop、ファッションショー、コスプレコンクールがあったりとオタクにとっては盛りだくさんな内容が行われているようで、6万人の入場者を見込んでるそう。。。
どんなものか興味のある人はウェブサイトをチェックしてみて :P
◎Japan Expo(in Japanese)=>http://www.eurojapancomic.com/fr/japanexpo.shtml
◎パリ発マンガ情報サイト/Culture Pop Japonaise(in Japanese, French, English)=>http://www.eurojapancomic.com/index.shtml
Yahooの記事によると、今パリの郊外でJAPAN EXPOが7/7から7/9まで開催されているようです。今回で7回目の開催で、前回よりも規模を拡大して行われているそうです。 だいたい想像できると思うけど、EXPOではマンガから始まり、J-pop、ファッションショー、コスプレコンクールがあったりとオタクにとっては盛りだくさんな内容が行われているようで、6万人の入場者を見込んでるそう。。。
どんなものか興味のある人はウェブサイトをチェックしてみて :P
◎Japan Expo(in Japanese)=>http://www.eurojapancomic.com/fr/japanexpo.shtml
◎パリ発マンガ情報サイト/Culture Pop Japonaise(in Japanese, French, English)=>http://www.eurojapancomic.com/index.shtml
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Welcome to a crazy japanese party!
Happy wedding!
There was a wedding party on the 20th of June. They are friends of mine, and a guy is groom, I met him when we entered the same elementary school. (actually we became good friends since we both worked in the same place of work.) Well it was a nice party and they looked very happy of course :) 結婚おめでとう!!!!いつまでもお幸せに☆
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