Il y a eu la lecon de francais a vendredi soir, et c'etait la premiere fois apres les vacances.
"Est-ce que vous avez pris les vacances?"
"Oui, je suis aller a hokkaido. Il est tres tres beau."
"Oh c'est bien. Et toi?"
"Oui, je suis aller a Seoul avec ma fille. Il a fait tres chaud mais c'etait bien. Nous avons mange beaucoup de nourriture piquante."
"Je vois. J'aime bien la cuisine coreenne aussi. Et toi aussi as eu les bonnes vacances?"
"Moi? n'ai pas pris de vacances. J'ai travaille bien..."
Yes, I worked well during summer!! :( Fortunately I didn't neet to do over time. Because some coworker were on vacation, and they didn't leave so many stuff to do(ありがとうございます!). Anyway I had nice weekends so it was ok for me.
First, a friend of mine came to Japan for vacation in the end of July. It was good to see him in Japan and we had dinner with some friends in Asakusa. (we went to see a fireworks festival on the 29th of July).

It was around 5am, we left from a club and took the train to go back home. Boris was making fun of sleeping japanese girls :P
I went to see some fireworks festivals during this summer, 2 were in Tokyo and 1 was in Chiba. It was nice even there were too many people everywhere.

Well actually I will take vacation in October instead of summer vacation. I will go to Bali island with Julien because one of my friend will organize his wedding, then after we visit some places in the tropical island :) I'm really looking forward to it of course :P
***Parlons francais! -vol.1-***
"Ca ne te regarde pas" = あなたには関係ないことでしょ!
うざい人がいたら言ってやりましょう(笑) ちなみに言い方によってはとげがあるように聞こえてしまうので、言うときはちょっと注意が必要です(-_-)/